Athletes Foot - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention And Treatment

Athletes foot which is also known as Tinea pedis is a common fungal infection that affects the feet. It is a contagious infection that develops between the toes. Despite the fact that it affects people who play sports more because of the environment where they are found, it can affect just anybody. Athlete foot is not peculiar or restricted to athlete, it infect them more because they stays more in an environment that is favorable to the fungal that causes athletes foot. The fungus grows in an environment that is warm and humid. It is spread by direct contact with contaminated surfaces. In other words you get infected when you have an encounter with the fungus that causes athlete foot.

Athletes Foot Symptoms
The symptoms of athletes foot are often visible in the spaces between the toes. Some of the common symptoms of athletes foot include the development of rash in the skin between your toes which may cause the toes to become itchy, red, burning, blister, cracked, etc

Causes of Athlete's Foot
Athletes foot is caused when one has direct contact with the fungus that causes athletes foot. The following favors the development of athletes foot on the skin.

  • Walking on a contaminated floor such as public shower and toilet, gym, etc.
  • Sharing of shoes that have been contaminated.

  • Putting on shoes that are poorly ventilated for a long time.

Prevention of Athlete's Foot
The following will help to prevent athletes foot.
  • Don’t walk on bare foot especially in public places or when using public facilities, as the floor may be contaminated.

  • Do not share towel especially a public one as it may have athletes foot fungus on it. They strive in a damp environment.
  • Always dry your feet, especially areas between your toes after bathing or showering.
  • Wash your feet with soap and water when you dip your leg in water especially in public places.
  • Avoid sharing shoes, slippers or any other footwear as you may be wearing shoes that have athletes foot fungus on it.
  • Change shoes often. Wearing the same pair of shoes day in day out may cause athlete foot to develop quickly on your feet.
  • Purchase shoes that are conducive for the ventilation of the feet. You can sometimes wear sandals especially in warm weather.
  • Always choose socks that can absorb water and when your socks is wet, make sure they are dry before putting them on.
  • If you are the sweaty type, you can use foot powder or dusting powder on the feet before wearing shoes to absorb moisture on the feet.

Athletes Foot Treatment
Athletes foot can be treated. Anti-fungal medications such as antibiotics are very useful in the treatment of athletes foot. It is very important to complete treatment even when the skin appeared to have been healed this is to prevent re-infection.
However, for quick result, it is advisable to observe the above preventive measure as it can also be helpful in the treatment of athletes foot.


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