
Showing posts with the label prevent itchy feet

Preventing Itchy Feet During Winter

Preventing itchy feet is very important, but, how can you do so during winter . One of the causes of itchy feet is dry feet. Most people often get dry feet during winter. Winter is the time when dry feet, itchy feet tends to return. Dry feet during winter occur as a result of the low temperatures that characterized the period and the insufficient moisture in the air. So, you have to do all that you can to prevent this condition. What can be done? Good question! The following tips will help. How to prevent itchy feet in winter Get a humidifier if you don’t have one, and use it during winter. This helps you to take control over your environment and help you moisturize your room. Thereby preventing you from dry skin that characterized that period. Moisturize the skin of the feet regularly. There are several moisturizing creams and lotions for the feet available over the counter to help give your skin that suppleness it requires. This help to prevent the skin from getting dry

Itchy Feet During Pregnancy : Tips To Get Relieve

Most women often experience itching during pregnancy. Some of these itching could be mild or severe. And one part of their body where they experience this itchiness is the feet. If you are pregnant and you experience itchy feet , then just know that you are not alone on this as there are several other women who do too. Sometimes your feet could itch at night . Itchy feet during pregnancy at night could be very frustrating as your sleep could be affected. Itchy feet during pregnancy sometimes gets serious during the last trimester of pregnancy. One reason that may be responsible for this is a condition known as obstetric cholestasis or cholestasis of pregnancy. Cholestasis most times relieves the woman soon after delivery. Cholestasis of pregnancy is caused when large amount of pregnancy hormones affect the normal flow of bile in the gall bladder by slowing or stopping the flow of the bile. When this happens, it causes bile acid to build up in the liver which can spill in the bloo