Natural Ways To Treat Dry, Cracked And Peeling Feet

No one wants dry feet . There are conditions that could cause the feet to dry. But, when the feet dry out, it may crack leading to sometimes peeling. I wrote about the causes of dry feet in the past. You can read it to learn about the possible conditions that could cause it and how to prevent it. When the feet cracks and peels , it gives room for bacterial and fungus to gain access to the feet and attack it, thereby making the condition of the feet worse. Do you experience dry, cracked and peeling feet? Don't worry as something can be done about it naturally to treat the condition and get your feet back to a smoother skin. How To Get Rid Of Dry, Cracked And Peeling Feet Below are some of the ways you can naturally treat dry, cracked peeling feet. Use pumice stone to gently remove dead skin from the feet. Don’t exfoliate too deep and if you feel pain, stop. Pay attention to the heels and the balls of the feet as these are the areas liable to cracked feet. Wash yo...