How To Get Rid Of Dry Peeling Skin On Feet
In one of my previous posts, I wrote on cracked skin around the toes. Today, we will be looking at how to get rid of peeling skin on feet. It may surprise you to know that sometimes dry cracked skin may develop at the soles and heels of your feet. And this could lead to peeling heels and soles of the feet. Fungal infection could be responsible for this kind of foot condition. And athlete’s foot is a kind of fungal infection that could be responsible or result in this kind of fungal infection especially when you experience itching in the affected part of the feet. How To Get Rid Of Dry Peeling Skin From The Soles And Heels Of Your Feet Below , you shall learn or find out how to get rid of dry peeling skin from the soles and heels of your feet. Try home remedies, it helps to get rid of peeling skin at the soles and heels of the feet. One way to do this is to soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar. Do this two times daily u...