
Showing posts with the label dry feet

Causes Of Itchy Feet While Running

Exercise is very important for a healthy body. One common exercise often done all over the world is jogging. Many regular runner do complain of itchy feet . Itchy feet while running or jogging can cause discomfort and maybe cut short your exercise. There are several causes of itchy feet while running, understanding these causes will go a long way to help tackle this irritation and get you back to your regular running routine. Below are some of the causes. Causes of itchy feet while running   Athlete’s Foot Athlete foot is a fungal infection which can affect the feet or cause itchiness during running or jogging. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot thrive more in moist and warm environment. It is common with people who take part in sporting activities. This disease is contagious, so, it can be spread from one person to another. People are likely going to get it when they come in contact with contaminated surfaces like socks, shoes and even the floor. If you stay more in sporting

Are you so uncomfortable with your itchy feet?

Itchy feet can make you uncomfortable when they occur. The skin tends to itch when they are dry. This occur more when there is cold weather or during winter. For those who live in the tropical regions of the world where temperature is high, they tend to have dry feet especially in harmatan seasons. At this time, the skin becomes dehydrated and thereby causing the skin on your feet to itch.   Since the feet usually get dried during winter , it is necessary to to prevent and soothe the condition. Here is how to go about it: Drink the right quantity of water daily. I used the word “right quantity” because the amount of water you are expected to drink depends on the weather condition in your locality. In other words it depends on the amount of water you are likely going to lose as a result of the weather condition. Drinking water is necessary to prevent the skin from getting dry. Certain foods can cause allergies for you. So, it very important to watch the kind of food you eat. If

Natural Ways To Treat Dry, Cracked And Peeling Feet

No one wants dry feet . There are conditions that could cause the feet to dry. But, when the feet dry out, it may crack leading to sometimes peeling. I wrote about the causes of dry feet in the past. You can read it to learn about the possible conditions that could cause it and how to prevent it. When the feet cracks and peels , it gives room for bacterial and fungus to gain access to the feet and attack it, thereby making the condition of the feet worse. Do you experience dry, cracked and peeling feet? Don't worry as something can be done about it naturally to treat the condition and get your feet back to a smoother skin. How To Get Rid Of Dry, Cracked And Peeling Feet Below are some of the ways you can naturally treat dry, cracked peeling feet. Use pumice stone to gently remove dead skin from the feet. Don’t exfoliate too deep and if you feel pain, stop. Pay attention to the heels and the balls of the feet as these are the areas liable to cracked feet. Wash yo

Daily Routine To Soften Dry Rough Feet

The skin on the feet does get dried naturally than any other part of the body. When you have dry rough feet, action must be taken to soften and get the feet back to its previous state. Dry rough feet could occur as a result of long winter in socks and also exposing of the feet to long summer months . Exposing the feet or wearing sandals can be difficult for someone with dry and rough feet largely due to the way it looks. How to soften rough feet at home Below are daily routine to soften dry rough feet. Wash your feet or take a shower. Soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes to soften the skin on the feet. Do this in a foot tub or any basin, bowl or container that can comfortably contain or accommodate your feet. If the container you are using cannot contain your feet, then you can soak one foot at a time. When soaking the other foot, you have to replace water or add more warm water to the existing water. After soak, pat your feet dry and use pumice stone to re

How To Soften Dry Toes?

The toes of the feet could get dry during long winter months and also exposure to long summer months. Dry toes may be as a result of fungal infection. Athlete’s foot could be responsible for this. You can contact your doctor or podiatrist if you suspect you have this condition. How to soften skin around toenails If you dry feet is not fungal infection, but just mere dry toes, then you can follow the tips below to soften the skin around your toenails. Wash your feet. You can see this post on how to keep your feet clean at all times . Soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes in a tub filled with warm water. If you cannot get a tub, use a bowl or basin that you can comfortably place your feet. Add some quantity of Epsom salt before soaking your feet. Gently pat your feet dry and use pumice stone to remove dead skin from your toes. You can have someone do it for you if you finding it difficult to bend towards the toes or removing effectively the dead skin in that area. Si

Foot Care For Dry Cracked Feet

Dry cracked feet is not what one would wish for. Wearing sandals becomes difficult because you don’t want people to see the embarrassing look on your feet. Apart from its embarrassing look, dry cracked feet can be painful. If you are infected with dry cracked feet, never too worry as you can do something about it to get your feet into that smooth, soft skin, which will be free from pains and which you will want to show off. Below are some of the ways to get rid of dry cracked feet. how to get rid of dry cracked feet Exfoliate dead skin on the feet with pumice stone or foot file. Do this for about a minute and rinse feet with clean water. When exfoliating, concentrate on the part of the feet prone to cracks such as the heels and bottom or soles of your feet. Soak feet in warm water for about 15 minutes. Make sure the water is not too hot so as not to cause damage to your feet. Add some quantity of Epsom salt, about half cup, to the water to help prevent inflammation. Add a

Dry Scaly Feet: Causes, And Home Treatment

Dry feet is a condition of the feet caused by several factors. When the feet gets dried, it starts to crack. One area of the feet that often time get affected most is the heel. In this article, you will learn the causes and ways to tackle or treat scaly feet at home. What causes dry scaly feet? One of the causes, which perhaps is the most common cause of dry scaly feet, is standing for a prolonged periods. Sometimes, the kind of work that you do may require you stand for a long time. An example is the military or paramilitary officer some of who stand for longer hours everyday. I know you may want to ask ‘why is it that most of them don’t have cracked feet?’. The truth is that, not all of them have the same feet! For instance, some feet are well moisturized and you know when the feet is moisturized, it could hardly get dry. When the feet is dry, after sometime, it cracks! When you stand for a long time at work or at home, especially on a hard floor, your skin becomes dry an

Foot Peeling In Children: Causes And Treatment

When people talk about foot peeling, they often sometimes refer to adult. But in actual fact, foot peeling can also occur in children. Several factors or reasons could be responsible for feet peeling in children. The most common among them range from excessive sweating, dry skin on feet , medication, and so on. In this article, you shall learn the causes and possible treatment of feet peeling in children. Causes of feet peeling in children There are several causes of peeling feet in children. Below are some of them: Athlete’s foot: Athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection that often affects the feet. It often affects the areas around the toes. Children with athlete’s foot can also experience foot peeling. Read this post to learn how to prevent athlete's foot in children . Dry Feet: Dry Feet is another cause of kids feet peeling. In fact, it is very common among children. For more information on how to tackle dry feet see this article on how to stop dry fe

Foot Problems Common With Diabetes

For those with diabetes, they have to be careful as certain foot problems are usually associated with diabetes. Even though the foot problems listed below can affect anybody, diabetic sufferers should understand that having of these could cause a serious problem for them and which can lead to amputation. In this article, I will share with you some of the foot problems common with diabetes. Athlete’s foot: This is a fungal infection that affects the feet. It causes itching, cracking which can be red. Diabetes sufferers should treat athlete’s foot when they occur to avoid any complication. Contact your doctor for proper examination and treatment. Calluses: This is a condition of the foot which result in the building up of hard skin usually underneath the foot. Calluses can be caused by skin abnormality, improper shoe fitting and uneven distribution of weight on the feet. There are foot care tips that will help you get rid of calluses. It is important that you discuss this wit

Watch it! That Itchy Foot Rash Could Be Athlete’s Foot

When your foot becomes dry with rash developing which becomes itchy as time goes on. Then, it could be that you got athlete’s foot. How do you know when that itchy foot rash on your feet is athlete’s foot? Athlete's foot which is also referred to as ringworm of the foot, is a fungal infection that affects the skin especially the skin of the feet. I sometimes ago wrote a post on athlete's foot . You can check it out to get better understanding on the disease. Before going to the ways to know if your itchy foot rash is athlete's foot, I would want to say that it is advisable to consult your doctor to properly evaluate your foot to tell what could cause that itchy rash. However, the following could help tell if your itchy rash is athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot usually occurs in the areas or spaces between the toes . So, when you start developing itchy foot rash in the areas between the toes which tends to peel or which peels, then, it probably means you have athlete’

Dry Feet - Causes And Prevention

Dry feet  (Xerosis) is a condition that can affect anyone. But, its common with those with athlete’s foot or diabetics or those who don’t moisturize their feet regularly with products containing moisturizer. Dry skin around the heels can cause crack due to the severity of the feet dryness. People with dry feet can also experience other symptoms such as itchiness of the feet , cracks in the feet , rash (usually as a result of itching, peeling of the skin , etc. In this article, you are going to learn about the causes, prevention and possible treatment of dry feet. Dry Feet Causes Essentially, dry feet are caused by lack of moisture in the skin. However, there are several factors that can cause dry feet. They include the following: When a person lose more water than he/she takes in , they get dehydrated. And once dehydration sets in, it often leads to dry skin which also include the skin of the feet. As one gets older, the skin loses its suppleness and this cause the

Athletes Foot - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention And Treatment

Athletes foot which is also known as Tinea pedis is a common fungal infection that affects the feet. It is a contagious infection that develops between the toes. Despite the fact that it affects people who play sports more because of the environment where they are found, it can affect just anybody. Athlete foot is not peculiar or restricted to athlete, it infect them more because they stays more in an environment that is favorable to the fungal that causes athletes foot. The fungus grows in an environment that is warm and humid. It is spread by direct contact with contaminated surfaces. In other words you get infected when you have an encounter with the fungus that causes athlete foot. Athletes Foot Symptoms The symptoms of athletes foot are often visible in the spaces between the toes. Some of the common symptoms of athletes foot include the development of rash in the skin between your toes which may cause the toes to become itchy, red, burning, blister, cracked, etc