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Foot Problems Common With Diabetes

For those with diabetes, they have to be careful as certain foot problems are usually associated with diabetes. Even though the foot problems listed below can affect anybody, diabetic sufferers should understand that having of these could cause a serious problem for them and which can lead to amputation. In this article, I will share with you some of the foot problems common with diabetes. Athlete’s foot: This is a fungal infection that affects the feet. It causes itching, cracking which can be red. Diabetes sufferers should treat athlete’s foot when they occur to avoid any complication. Contact your doctor for proper examination and treatment. Calluses: This is a condition of the foot which result in the building up of hard skin usually underneath the foot. Calluses can be caused by skin abnormality, improper shoe fitting and uneven distribution of weight on the feet. There are foot care tips that will help you get rid of calluses. It is important that you discuss this wit