
Showing posts with the label feet asleep

Why Do Your Feet Fall Asleep? And What To Do About It

Have you sat for a long time and when you want to get up, you suddenly feel a strange sensation in your feet as though the feet asleep. Yes, you have! Everyone has experienced this feeling at one point or the other in their life. Asleep foot which is also known as paresthesia, is an abnormal skin sensations (as tingling, tickling, itching or burning). Its a feeling on the foot that can be annoying especially within the time it occur. It occurs on the foot as a result of pressure on one part of your foot which cut off communication from your brain to your feet. Interference with nerve pathway to the brain causes you not to have feeling in that part of the feet. Foot falling asleep for a few minutes and becomes normal may not be a sign of serious health problem. It could be, if it occurs for a longer period or if it keeps occurring, as it could be a sign of possible nerve damage. You don’t have to worry if your feet go to sleep as it occurs to almost everyone one in a while. If