
Showing posts with the label itchy feet

Causes Of Itchy Feet While Running

Exercise is very important for a healthy body. One common exercise often done all over the world is jogging. Many regular runner do complain of itchy feet . Itchy feet while running or jogging can cause discomfort and maybe cut short your exercise. There are several causes of itchy feet while running, understanding these causes will go a long way to help tackle this irritation and get you back to your regular running routine. Below are some of the causes. Causes of itchy feet while running   Athlete’s Foot Athlete foot is a fungal infection which can affect the feet or cause itchiness during running or jogging. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot thrive more in moist and warm environment. It is common with people who take part in sporting activities. This disease is contagious, so, it can be spread from one person to another. People are likely going to get it when they come in contact with contaminated surfaces like socks, shoes and even the floor. If you stay more in sporting

Are you so uncomfortable with your itchy feet?

Itchy feet can make you uncomfortable when they occur. The skin tends to itch when they are dry. This occur more when there is cold weather or during winter. For those who live in the tropical regions of the world where temperature is high, they tend to have dry feet especially in harmatan seasons. At this time, the skin becomes dehydrated and thereby causing the skin on your feet to itch.   Since the feet usually get dried during winter , it is necessary to to prevent and soothe the condition. Here is how to go about it: Drink the right quantity of water daily. I used the word “right quantity” because the amount of water you are expected to drink depends on the weather condition in your locality. In other words it depends on the amount of water you are likely going to lose as a result of the weather condition. Drinking water is necessary to prevent the skin from getting dry. Certain foods can cause allergies for you. So, it very important to watch the kind of food you eat. If

What Does Itchy Feet Mean?

There have been a misconception about the real meaning of itchy feet and this has prompted me to write this post to clear the air on itchy feet meaning . Itchy Feet Meaning What does itchy feet mean? According to, itchy feet mean “a very strong or irresistible impulse to travel”. So, if you always have that urge to travel or do something different, then you are said to have itchy feet. Medically, itchy feet mean a sensation around the areas of the feet that is irritating and which cause an urge to scratch. Superstitious Belief About Itchy Feet There are a number of superstitious beliefs about itchy feet. Some of these itchy feet superstition are listed below. According to a superstitious belief, when your feet are itching, it means you are about to embark on a new journey or be traveling soon or embarking on a great journey. Itching In Certain Parts Of The Feet There are also superstitious beliefs as regards itching in certain parts of the feet. Tak

Most Common Causes Of Itchy Feet While Exercising

Itchy feet are a condition of the feet that is somewhat common during exercise. Many people have often complained of itchy feet while exercising. I wrote a post in the past on the causes of itchy feet while running . You can read it to learn about the causes of itchy feet pertaining to that part of exercise. It is often tempting to scratch the feet when you got itchy feet. However, this is not advisable as scratching the feet can affect the skin of the feet especially when done continuously. If you are to scratch your feet just the way it scratches you, you are sure to remove the skin of your feet. I would suggest instead of scratching the feet, rub your hands on the affected area on your feet. Rubbing your hands on the affected area will definitely relieve you of the itchiness. But, this certainly will not lead to cure. Your feet can itch while exercising. This can be during or after exercising. There are factors responsible for this. However, the cause of itchy feet during or after

What Are The Causes Of Itchy Feet?

Sometimes the foot does itch. This does not necessary call for alarm. But, it becomes a problem if it happens repeatedly. There are several causes of itchy feet . These may be due to allergic reaction or irritation on the feet, insect bites , fungal infection, eczema, contact dermatitis, scabies, etc. Medication can also cause itchy feet. This is most times a sign that your skin is sensitive to the medication. If your feet itch, never too worry, there are ways you can tackle the condition on your feet. However, treatment differs, it include taking prescription medication, soaking the feet, etc. Below are some of the causes of itchy feet. Causes of itchy feet Dry feet can result in itchy feet. Dry feet occur more on skin that lack the ability to keep moisture. It is more common with older people because their skin has become thinner and as such do not have the ability to hold back to moisture. However, some medical condition can also result in dry feet. Athlete’s foot is

Preventing Itchy Feet During Winter

Preventing itchy feet is very important, but, how can you do so during winter . One of the causes of itchy feet is dry feet. Most people often get dry feet during winter. Winter is the time when dry feet, itchy feet tends to return. Dry feet during winter occur as a result of the low temperatures that characterized the period and the insufficient moisture in the air. So, you have to do all that you can to prevent this condition. What can be done? Good question! The following tips will help. How to prevent itchy feet in winter Get a humidifier if you don’t have one, and use it during winter. This helps you to take control over your environment and help you moisturize your room. Thereby preventing you from dry skin that characterized that period. Moisturize the skin of the feet regularly. There are several moisturizing creams and lotions for the feet available over the counter to help give your skin that suppleness it requires. This help to prevent the skin from getting dry

Itchy Feet During Pregnancy : Tips To Get Relieve

Most women often experience itching during pregnancy. Some of these itching could be mild or severe. And one part of their body where they experience this itchiness is the feet. If you are pregnant and you experience itchy feet , then just know that you are not alone on this as there are several other women who do too. Sometimes your feet could itch at night . Itchy feet during pregnancy at night could be very frustrating as your sleep could be affected. Itchy feet during pregnancy sometimes gets serious during the last trimester of pregnancy. One reason that may be responsible for this is a condition known as obstetric cholestasis or cholestasis of pregnancy. Cholestasis most times relieves the woman soon after delivery. Cholestasis of pregnancy is caused when large amount of pregnancy hormones affect the normal flow of bile in the gall bladder by slowing or stopping the flow of the bile. When this happens, it causes bile acid to build up in the liver which can spill in the bloo

Itchy Feet Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Have you ever had to deal with itchy feet? If you had, you must agree with me that it is a very irritating and annoying experience.You feel like picking anything you find around to scratch your feet. Itchy feet can affect anyone.This post has information on itchy feet meaning, symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment. Itchy Feet Meaning Itchy feet means an irritating sensation around the feet that cause a desire to scratch. You can read about other meaning of itchy feet. I wrote a post about it sometime ago. Itchy Feet Symptoms Some of the itchy feet symptoms include the following; Itching of the feet and the toes. This could be mild or severe itching. Inflammation of the feet. There could be bleeding of the skin due to constant itching. What Causes Itchy Feet? Itchy feet causes include the following: Wearing of shoes or socks while they are wet. Bacteria strive most in this environment. Not properly drying the feet before wearing shoes or socks.