What Are The Causes Of Itchy Feet?

Sometimes the foot does itch. This does not necessary call for alarm. But, it becomes a problem if it happens repeatedly. There are several causes of itchy feet. These may be due to allergic reaction or irritation on the feet, insect bites, fungal infection, eczema, contact dermatitis, scabies, etc. Medication can also cause itchy feet. This is most times a sign that your skin is sensitive to the medication.
If your feet itch, never too worry, there are ways you can tackle the condition on your feet. However, treatment differs, it include taking prescription medication, soaking the feet, etc.
Below are some of the causes of itchy feet.

Causes of itchy feet

  • Dry feet can result in itchy feet. Dry feet occur more on skin that lack the ability to keep moisture. It is more common with older people because their skin has become thinner and as such do not have the ability to hold back to moisture. However, some medical condition can also result in dry feet.

  • Athlete’s foot is another cause of itchy feet. It is a fungal infection that occurs mostly in the areas between the toes.

  • The areas of the skin of the feet infected with hookworm can also itch.

  • Another cause of itchy feet is a condition known as contact dermatitis. This skin condition occurs when the skin of the feet reacts to irritants. When the feet come in contact with certain substances that they are allergic to, it could lead to the condition. Walking barefooted will expose the feet to such substances. There are over the counter products that can help to tackle the condition. However, you can seek help from a medical doctor to help out with the condition.

  • Rash on the feet can be accompanied by itching.

There are several other causes of itchy feet. I wrote a post in the past on the causes of itchy feet at night. Understanding these causes will help you to stop the itching or better still prevent it.
If you got itchy foot and you feel is beyond your control, the right thing to do is to contact your health care provider to check or assess the feet to decide the right cause and right treatment for the itchiness.


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