Most Common Causes Of Itchy Feet While Exercising

Itchy feet are a condition of the feet that is somewhat common during exercise. Many people have often complained of itchy feet while exercising. I wrote a post in the past on the causes of itchy feet while running. You can read it to learn about the causes of itchy feet pertaining to that part of exercise.
It is often tempting to scratch the feet when you got itchy feet. However, this is not advisable as scratching the feet can affect the skin of the feet especially when done continuously. If you are to scratch your feet just the way it scratches you, you are sure to remove the skin of your feet. I would suggest instead of scratching the feet, rub your hands on the affected area on your feet. Rubbing your hands on the affected area will definitely relieve you of the itchiness. But, this certainly will not lead to cure. Your feet can itch while exercising. This can be during or after exercising. There are factors responsible for this. However, the cause of itchy feet during or after exercise varies from one person to another. You can consult your health care provider or doctor to help decide the real cause of your itchy feet if you got a problem with figuring out the cause. Below are some of the possible causes of itchy feet during and after exercising.

  • Athlete’s foot: Athlete’s foot is the most possible cause of itchy feet while exercising. It usually appear in areas between the toes. It is a common problem for those who exercise especially those who exercise for a long time. When you exercise especially for a long time, the feet tend to sweat and these increases with increasing participation. These sweats are locked in the socks and shoes which cause the foot to be damp and warm. These damp, warm and dark environments create a favorable ground for the fungus that causes athlete’s foot to thrive.
  • Dry feet: Another cause of itchy feet while exercising is dry feet. it is very common to see people sweat when exercising. When the water dries up the skin and there is no water to replenish the water lost probably due to dehydration, the feet tend to dry. However, there are other factors such as disease that could cause the skin of the feet to dry. This includes people suffering from diabetes, psoriasis, etc. are you suffering from dry skin on the feet, and there are ways to help you relive the condition. Moisturize the skin daily will help to keep the skin supple and bring back your dry feet to the right condition.
There are other causes of itchy feet while exercising. The above two are the common cause of the condition.


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