How To Soften Dry Toes?

The toes of the feet could get dry during long winter months and also exposure to long summer months. Dry toes may be as a result of fungal infection. Athlete’s foot could be responsible for this. You can contact your doctor or podiatrist if you suspect you have this condition.

How to soften skin around toenails

If you dry feet is not fungal infection, but just mere dry toes, then you can follow the tips below to soften the skin around your toenails.
  • Wash your feet. You can see this post on how to keep your feet clean at all times.

  • Soak your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes in a tub filled with warm water. If you cannot get a tub, use a bowl or basin that you can comfortably place your feet. Add some quantity of Epsom salt before soaking your feet.

  • Gently pat your feet dry and use pumice stone to remove dead skin from your toes. You can have someone do it for you if you finding it difficult to bend towards the toes or removing effectively the dead skin in that area. Since the feet have been soaked in warm water, exfoliation will be easier as the dead skin has been softened.

  • Rinse your feet with water and pat dry. Apply a moisturizing cream to the toes. Wear socks to properly lock in the moisturizing cream. You can also try Vaseline or petroleum jelly instead of moisturizing cream. You can do this at anytime of the day, but, I suggest you do it at night so that you don’t have to move around with socks especially if you have to go out. Instead of wearing socks you can sleep with a humidifier if you have one. If you are using humidifier, sleep bare footed  for best result.

Do the above daily until you start to see improvement. After sometime your toes will become soft and no longer dry again.


  1. Yeah. I hate dry feet. They even get painful sometimes. Ugh.


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