
Dry Scaly Feet: Causes, And Home Treatment

Dry feet is a condition of the feet caused by several factors. When the feet gets dried, it starts to crack. One area of the feet that often time get affected most is the heel. In this article, you will learn the causes and ways to tackle or treat scaly feet at home. What causes dry scaly feet? One of the causes, which perhaps is the most common cause of dry scaly feet, is standing for a prolonged periods. Sometimes, the kind of work that you do may require you stand for a long time. An example is the military or paramilitary officer some of who stand for longer hours everyday. I know you may want to ask ‘why is it that most of them don’t have cracked feet?’. The truth is that, not all of them have the same feet! For instance, some feet are well moisturized and you know when the feet is moisturized, it could hardly get dry. When the feet is dry, after sometime, it cracks! When you stand for a long time at work or at home, especially on a hard floor, your skin becomes dry an

Foot Peeling In Children: Causes And Treatment

When people talk about foot peeling, they often sometimes refer to adult. But in actual fact, foot peeling can also occur in children. Several factors or reasons could be responsible for feet peeling in children. The most common among them range from excessive sweating, dry skin on feet , medication, and so on. In this article, you shall learn the causes and possible treatment of feet peeling in children. Causes of feet peeling in children There are several causes of peeling feet in children. Below are some of them: Athlete’s foot: Athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection that often affects the feet. It often affects the areas around the toes. Children with athlete’s foot can also experience foot peeling. Read this post to learn how to prevent athlete's foot in children . Dry Feet: Dry Feet is another cause of kids feet peeling. In fact, it is very common among children. For more information on how to tackle dry feet see this article on how to stop dry fe

Foot Problems Common With Diabetes

For those with diabetes, they have to be careful as certain foot problems are usually associated with diabetes. Even though the foot problems listed below can affect anybody, diabetic sufferers should understand that having of these could cause a serious problem for them and which can lead to amputation. In this article, I will share with you some of the foot problems common with diabetes. Athlete’s foot: This is a fungal infection that affects the feet. It causes itching, cracking which can be red. Diabetes sufferers should treat athlete’s foot when they occur to avoid any complication. Contact your doctor for proper examination and treatment. Calluses: This is a condition of the foot which result in the building up of hard skin usually underneath the foot. Calluses can be caused by skin abnormality, improper shoe fitting and uneven distribution of weight on the feet. There are foot care tips that will help you get rid of calluses. It is important that you discuss this wit

Athlete’s Foot Treatment In Elderly Adults

Athlete’s foot is a condition of the foot that can affect any individual irrespective of their age or whether they are athletes or not. Athlete’s foot is quite common in elderly adult probably due to poor hygiene and poor health. If you have an elderly adult or you are in charge of taking care of elderly adults and they are complaining about itching especially in the areas between the toes, then it will be wise to check the feet for signs of athlete’s foot. Some of the signs of athlete’s foot include itching, burning sensation, pain, odor due to bacterial infection of the skin, dryness of the soles, cracked skin may occur. Athlete’s foot in elderly adult is very different as a result of reduce or loss of feelings in their feet, weaken immune system. When an elderly adult starts complaining of itching and scratching of the feet, it could be far more complicated foot problem. The best thing to do in this situation is to take your elderly to a podiatrist to properly check the

Why Do Your Feet Fall Asleep? And What To Do About It

Have you sat for a long time and when you want to get up, you suddenly feel a strange sensation in your feet as though the feet asleep. Yes, you have! Everyone has experienced this feeling at one point or the other in their life. Asleep foot which is also known as paresthesia, is an abnormal skin sensations (as tingling, tickling, itching or burning). Its a feeling on the foot that can be annoying especially within the time it occur. It occurs on the foot as a result of pressure on one part of your foot which cut off communication from your brain to your feet. Interference with nerve pathway to the brain causes you not to have feeling in that part of the feet. Foot falling asleep for a few minutes and becomes normal may not be a sign of serious health problem. It could be, if it occurs for a longer period or if it keeps occurring, as it could be a sign of possible nerve damage. You don’t have to worry if your feet go to sleep as it occurs to almost everyone one in a while. If

What Does Itchy Feet Mean?

There have been a misconception about the real meaning of itchy feet and this has prompted me to write this post to clear the air on itchy feet meaning . Itchy Feet Meaning What does itchy feet mean? According to, itchy feet mean “a very strong or irresistible impulse to travel”. So, if you always have that urge to travel or do something different, then you are said to have itchy feet. Medically, itchy feet mean a sensation around the areas of the feet that is irritating and which cause an urge to scratch. Superstitious Belief About Itchy Feet There are a number of superstitious beliefs about itchy feet. Some of these itchy feet superstition are listed below. According to a superstitious belief, when your feet are itching, it means you are about to embark on a new journey or be traveling soon or embarking on a great journey. Itching In Certain Parts Of The Feet There are also superstitious beliefs as regards itching in certain parts of the feet. Tak

Most Common Causes Of Itchy Feet While Exercising

Itchy feet are a condition of the feet that is somewhat common during exercise. Many people have often complained of itchy feet while exercising. I wrote a post in the past on the causes of itchy feet while running . You can read it to learn about the causes of itchy feet pertaining to that part of exercise. It is often tempting to scratch the feet when you got itchy feet. However, this is not advisable as scratching the feet can affect the skin of the feet especially when done continuously. If you are to scratch your feet just the way it scratches you, you are sure to remove the skin of your feet. I would suggest instead of scratching the feet, rub your hands on the affected area on your feet. Rubbing your hands on the affected area will definitely relieve you of the itchiness. But, this certainly will not lead to cure. Your feet can itch while exercising. This can be during or after exercising. There are factors responsible for this. However, the cause of itchy feet during or after